
All ideas streamlined into a single flow of creativity. Smiltė.

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Bonnie Porter Greene is an artist currently living and working in Shoalhaven, NSW. Porter Greene’s paintings are an intimate exploration of her love for the landscape, imbued with her personal connection and concern for the natural environment. Through excursions into nature, Porter Greene feels, observes and paints in order to understand our connection to the natural world. Greene records the seasonal shifts in the landscape, capturing symbols that become fixed in her mind. These include the

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Summer Salon Boni Cairncross, Tristan Chant, Gary Christian, Hannah Cooper, Imbi Davidson, Sarah Enright, Vanessa Forbes, David Hamilton, Miho Ichise, Ochre Lawson, James Lieutenant, Harry Martin, Ceara Metlikovec, Julie Pennington, Michael Philp, Bonnie Porter Greene, David Ryrie, Tanya Wales Dec 3 - Dec 19, 2022 Catalogue